On Raising Exceptions in Python

There is a lot of Python code in the wild which does something like:

raise SomeException("Could not fraz the buzz:"
                    "{} is less than {}".format(foo, quux)

This is, in general, a bad idea. Exceptions are not program panics. While they sometimes do terminate the program, or the execution thread with a traceback, they are different in that they can be caught. The code that catches the exception will sometimes have a way to recover: for example, maybe it’s not that important for the application to fraz the buzz if foo is 0. In that case, the code would look like:

except SomeException as e:
    if ???

Oh, right. We do not have direct access to foo. If we formatted better, using repr, at least we could tell the difference between 0 and “0”: but we still would have to start parsing the representation out of the string.

Because of this, in general, it is better to raise exceptions like this:

raise SomeException("Could not fraz the buzz: foo is too small", foo, quux)

This way exception handling has a lot of power: it can introspect foo, introspect quux and introspect the string. If by some reason the exception class is raised and we want to verify the reason, checking string equality, while not ideal, is still better than trying to match string parts or regular expression matching.

When the exception is presented to the user interface, in that case, it will not look as nice. Exceptions, in general, should reach the UI only in extreme circumstances: and in those cases, having something that has as much information is useful for root cause analysis.

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